Our language and literacy programmes (English Language and MTL) help our pre-schoolers develop competence in speaking, listening and in becoming readers and writers by immersing them in a literary -rich environment.
At KidsKingdom, we develop the children’s language and literacy skills through :
Language Games | Rhymes & Songs | Shared Writing | Language Station Activities |
Shared-book Reading | Role-play | Storytelling | Sound Spell Activities |
Word Bank | Routines | Word Attack | Alphabet Knowledge Activities |
KinderZoo Phonics is a structured and systematic phonics-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling to our pre-schoolers. It features engaging, humorous and ‘fun with phonics’ activities and stories. KinderWriter encourages our pre-schoolers to use language to record their ideas and thoughts. KinderMeeting stimulates verbal interactions between children. The KidsKingdom educators are trained to ask probing questions and value children’s talk by taking time to listen and respond.